Information Port Davey & South Coast Track Walk
Coordinator v Leader
There is no leader there is a Coordinator; everyone is an adult. Coordinator sets up walks, coordinates movement, assists as needed, and advises on navigation and campsites.
General Information on the walks
Weather: The weather in February is generally dry and calm; however it can snow and severe fronts can come through; albeit fronts move through quickly in February. The walks are in low country so the temperature should be 6-25 deg C; cooler in the morning. I will take a 0+ sleeping bag as there is no snow at low levels. 3 season tent minimum needed.
Transportation Options
Wilderness Transport | Wilderness Expeditions Tasmania
Tasmanian Bushwalkers Bus Transport | Outdoor Tasmania
Wild Island Adventures (includes hire gear)
Flight services – Par Avion – exclusive tours of Tasmania by air
Estimated Costs
Port Davey Track
Transport to Hobart (if needed)
Accommodation Hobart inbound (if needed)
Road Transport Hobart to Trackhead Edgar Dam TWE $110
Air Transport Melaleuca to Cambridge airport (near Hobart Airport) Par Avion $300
Transport Cambridge airport to Hobart Taxi $50
Accommodation Hobart outbound (if needed)
Hire Gear (if needed)
Cooking Fuel (Gas medium cylinder) $12 – $15
Food (personal choice)
PLB (group item)
South Coast Track
Transport to Hobart (if needed)
Accommodation Hobart inbound (if needed)
Transport to Cambridge airport Taxi $50
Air Transport Cambridge airport (near Hobart Airport) to Melaleuca Par Avion $300
Transport Cockle Creek to Hobart TWE $100
Accommodation Hobart outbound (if needed)
Hire Gear (if needed)
Cooking Fuel (Gas medium cylinder) $12 – $15
Food (personal choice)
PLB (group item)
Must be able to carry your pack for 8 hours per day (more if group slow). Once on tracks, there are no ‘bug out’ points; very remote beautiful wilderness with no huts or roads (just a track which varies from excellent to often nonvisible). Must be able to swim (short boat crossings).
The WESTPAC helicopter will respond to a PLB activation. If helicopter unable to respond (usually due poor weather); police/SES will walk in.
First Aid
Coordinator is current First Aid qualified, however everyone must be able to assist. Threats are snake – spider bite (very rare), ticks (rare), leeches, trips and falls, cuts and abrasions, hypothermia, hyperthermia, water crossings, weather and tiredness.
This is bush conditions and personal health awareness is essential. Think toilet waste (50m from streams), hand to mouth awareness, foot maintenance, body fitness.
Suggested Backpack Contents
- Tent / Ground sheet / Sleeping bag / Mattress / Pillow or similar / silk liner (optional)
- Headlamp
- Stove / Fuel / Cooking-eating dish / Spoon / Mug / Matches-flint
- Small fast dry towel
- Water bottle 1 liter
- Compact light bush knife- scissors etc
- Compass
- Watch
- Sunscreen
- 6 clothes pegs
- Hutchie cord line 5m
- Toilet paper (keep dry)
- Toothbrush – paste
- Paper- pencil (small and dry)
- Rubbish bag (or reuse something)
- Light day pack (optional)
- Camera (optional)
- Phone (optional)
- Reading item (optional)
- Day gear: Hat / thermal top / non cotton shirt and pants / undies / socks / boots / gaiters / scrub gloves (I wear one set of clothes and wash as needed)
- Wet weather gear: Rain jacket/pants / pack cover / dry bags / plastic pack liner
- Night clothing : warm top, one change of clothing, campshoes – thongs, beanie,
- First Aid: snake – crepe bandage / bandaids / betadine / electrolyte power – tablets / pain relief / whatever you need – want
- Personal Locator Beacon – Group Item
- GPS – Group Item
- Maps – Group Item
- Light rope 5m – Group Item
- Water purification (optional – not needed)
Suggested Food
- Breakfast muesli – weetbix type, powdered milk, sugar, nuts, coffee, coffee
- Lunch – cheese and biscuits
- Dinner – Freeze dried or Continental noodles / tuna / dried potato / dehyd vegetables (simply add water to any food). Tea/coffee, sugar, powdered milk. I take fruit cake pieces.
- Walking – any bars, nuts, chocolate, meat sticks etc.
- Food is personal but make it light weight. Best to repack into portions/serves in plastic bags (ease of use and less rubbish).