Branches Tasmania
The RAAFA in Tasmania comprises three Branches; Hobart Branch, Launceston Branch and the North West Branch. Each Branch is part of the Incorporated Body, RAAF Association – (Tasmania Division) Inc. Each Branch is autonomous in the conduct of its internal affairs and activities but the State Council is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of Association policy and practises to ensure the image of the RAAF Association is maintained in accordance with national directives. Each Branch has its own By Laws which conform to State or Divisional Constitution and to the extent that any part of those Byt laws is inconsistent with the Divisional Constitution, then that portion of the By Laws become null and void in regard to those inconsistencies. A Branch may request Divisional assistance (or intervention when necessary) in the conduct of any activity or program. The State Secretary is available to advise on procedural and protocol matters and is able to provide appropriate administrative assistance to Branch operations if requested and resources permit.