Hobart Branch Information
61 Davey St, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000

Branch Information

Hobart Branch resides with the State Executive at the Memorial Centre at 61 Davey St, Hobart, 7000. As such, members are able to utilize the excellent facilities such as the function room, bar, library, museum and kitchen. Members gather on the first Thursday of each month (except January) for Happy Hour between 5-7pm. There is always good food, very reasonable bar prices, raffles and the camaraderie of ex-Service people, their families and friends.
Hobart Branch has an active committee who organise three main functions (lunches) each year, celebrating the RAAF’s birthday in March, Bomber Command in July and Christmas (yes) in December. More lunches are planned. Excursions and other activities also occur as opportunities, time and funding permit.
Hobart Branch members participate in ANZAC Day commemorations and host a barbeque at the Memorial Centre where all are welcome. Members are also involved in the annual Battle of Britain commemorations each September, when the RAAF Association Tasmania hosts the remembrance of this most significant air battle of WW11 for the nation. Hobart Branch assists the State Executive by running a Happy Hour on the Friday night to commence the weekend activities. Current serving members (many from the other island) and locals (past and present) gather to renew friendships and share stories. The weekend concludes (after a church service, formal dinner and wreath laying service) with Hobart Branch members hosting a Sunday barbeque to conclude what is always a successful and memorable time.
Hobart Branch prides itself on being inclusive, with members from all Services, as well as others interested in aviation and the spirit of friendship that is extended amongst the aircraft models, photographs and other memorabilia on display.
Join Hobart Branch
For information on joining the Branch, visit the Membership Page.
Peter Crosswell
0429 894 577
Charles Hill
Linda Bates